Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Why choose Smith Thompson Law firms lawyer

While there is no specific guideline as to when you have to hire a personal injury lawyer, it is very important to engage the services of a personal injury lawyer shortly after the accident. You do not want to go without counsel during any part of the process and you can hire a lawyer on an incident basis.

Professional Lawyers at an Affordable Fee

Our Best Personal Injury Lawyers will evaluate your claim and tell you what type of personal injury claim you have and also interpret the medical records that they obtain from your physicians and serve as a buffer between you and the physicians.

Our Best Injury Lawyer in Edmonton can help recreate the accident and use the information at trial, or in negotiations with the carrier to get you the best possible settlement or decision.

A car accident can change your life for a few months or a lifetime. We understand your stress and frustration, medical bills, car repairs, insurance adjusters, physical therapy. At Smith Thompson Law firm, we give attention to all of these matters and work hard to coordinate solutions. 

Our lawyers have represented hundreds and hundreds of clients injured in auto accidents, slip and fall incidents, and wrongful death cases. We will aggressively track the best possible settlement, and our extraordinary trial experience will make sure it.

Every client’s case is special. It is important to talk to an attorney who can accomplish your goals. We are dedicated to customer service and personalized attention to ensure each person receives the attention and receives the compensation they deserve.

While being in an injury can be a devastating experience, Smith Thompson Law firm’s team of personal injury lawyers will fight the insurance companies and make sure you have the correct representation. To hire our Wrongful Death Lawyers, contact us at 1-780-555-5555. We also provide a free consultation, get to know more visit our website today.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Four Steps to Coping with Emotional Trauma after a Car Accident

No one thinks twice about treating physical injuries that result from a car accident. First responders arrive at the accident scene immediately to assess and address any physical damage. If you have whiplash, you’ll likely visit a doctor multiple times until your pain becomes controllable. If you experience long-term health effects, you’ll continue to visit a physical therapist to learn coping strategies for returning to normal life.

However, unlike physical injuries, emotional injuries can be easy to ignore. We often tell ourselves we just need to “get over” the anxiety and PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) that often follow a car accident, even though we would never tell ourselves to “get over” a broken leg or a brain injury.

Being the victim of another person’s error is traumatic, no matter the extent of the accident. This emotional trauma from a head and brain injury can be just as disabling as a physical injury, which means that coping emotionally is just as important to your quality of life as coping physically.

Don’t neglect your mental and emotional health after an accident. Instead, follow these tips to assess your emotional damage, manage your anxiety, and start feeling better.

1. Learn about PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)

We commonly associate post-traumatic stress disorder with people who undergo extreme stress, such as soldiers who have been in combat situations. However, PTSD can affect anyone who lives through something stressful, including a car accident. In fact, according to a 2008 study in Canada, 9.2% of all respondents experienced lifetime PTSD, and 76.1% of participants had lived through at least one situation that could have caused PTSD.

Not everyone who goes through something stressful has PTSD—you may or may not experience its symptoms after your car accident. However, you should familiarize yourself with some of the signs and symptoms so you can recognize them in yourself and others who were in the car with you.
If these symptoms lessen after a few weeks, you may be suffering from Acute Stress Disorder (ASD). If symptoms last much longer than that, you’re more likely to have PTSD.

While no one is sure exactly what causes certain people to develop PTSD over others, chronic pain can be a large factor. According to a 2005 study, ongoing PTSD symptoms in car accident victims can be linked to ongoing physical disability and a lack of pain management.

Remember, you should be compensated for any emotional harm that occurs in a car accident – not just physical harm. Talk to your personal injury lawyer about any PTSD symptoms you have and treatments you are receiving.

2. Learn How to Manage Anxiety

Whether or not you have ASD or PTSD, heightened anxiety after an accident is common. Recognize that anxiety is both normal and manageable. Try the following things when you find yourself becoming anxious:
  • Practice mindful breathing. Take slow, deep breaths.
  • Focus on the world around you. Notice physical objects in the present moment instead of mentally reliving the accident.
  • Learn and use muscle relaxation techniques.
A therapist or mental health professional also can help you learn anxiety-controlling techniques specific to your personality and situation. Contact a mental health specialist if you feel unable to cope with anxiety, if anxiety interrupts your everyday life, or if you’re worried about your anxiety in any way.

3. Take Care of Yourself

You’ve just been through a very scarring experience. It’s okay to give yourself time to cope. Be patient with yourself; as with physical injuries, emotional scars take some time to heal.
In the meantime, focus on feeling as good as you can. Eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, and do some light exercise, if your injuries allow for it. Do something that you particularly enjoy, like reading a book or listening to your favorite music.

4. Talk to Someone

Suffering silently can only add to your mental anguish and distress. Talk to a trusted friend or family member about your experience and how you’re coping. You don’t have to share details of the accident if you don’t want to. Just make sure someone is available to help you process your own emotions.

It can also be helpful to find a therapist who can help you work through your issues. He or she is qualified to give you advice on managing your stress and coping with your trauma. Talk to your medical provider about how to find the right therapist.

You don’t need to suffer alone after an accident. Make sure you seek the right treatment for your emotional injuries, not just your physical ones. Similarly, you deserve to be compensated for all types of damages incurred. Talk to your Best Personal Injury Lawyer about how your accident affected your mental health, and then make sure you receive the treatment you both need and deserve.


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Canadian Personal Injury Law - what if my accident claim is too small to hire an Edmonton Personal Injury Lawyer?

Studies have shown that approximately 60% of accident victims settle with the insurance company without using a personal injury lawyer. Are these people saving money in legal fees or losing money by settling for less than they have to?
No one can negotiate a fair settlement if they don't understand the process and have no idea what their claim is really worth! What do you do when?
  • Meeting with the Insurance company;
  • Seeing your doctor;
  • Getting your expenses paid;
  • Settling your claim?
No one would argue that on a small claim that you hire a lawyer to do all the negotiating and all other work for you. If you did this then all your settlement would go to legal fees.
There is a happy alternative that will give you the peace of mind that you have done the right thing; get you the highest settlement on your claim and keep your legal costs at a minimum.

If you think your claim is a small one we suggest you contact a Edmonton Personal Injury Lawyer and hire him or her to give you:
  • An opinion as to what the claim is worth;
  • An outline of the steps you should take to negotiate a fair settlement. This opinion should cost you a few hundred dollars and may have to be paid "up front". Ask the lawyer before the meeting how much this will cost and whether they can do it for a flat fee rather than at an hourly billing rate.
If you do this you will accomplish the following:
  • Achieve the highest possible settlement, after considering the small fee paid for the legal opinion;
  • Find out how to deal with the various stages of the process;
  • Have the satisfaction and peace of mind that comes with knowing you have done all the right things.